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Читати останні публікації блогу UK Health Security Agency
Читати останні новини Інституту дослідження здоров’я (США)
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Читати останні новини від Reuters за темою Майбутнє галузі охорони здоров’я
Читати останні новини від Reuters за темою Охорона здоров’я та фармацевтична галузь
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Читати останні новини від Medscape
Читати останні публікації блогу Wellness Mama присвяченого проблемам репродуктивнгого здоров’я
Читати останні публікації блогу Precision Nutrition
Читати останні публікації блогу CASI присвяченого проблемам харчування
Читати останні публікації блогу PsychCentral присвяченого проблемам психічного здоров’я
Читати останні новини від Healthcare IT News
- What makes a successful digital ecosystem? Mount Sinai’s CDIO has answers
- Robot pets are coming for your brain!
- Connecting data to population health can improve outcomes at the state level
- IT breach risk ‘very real’ amid job cuts at Te Whatu Ora: union
- Mount Sinai’s new CDIO gives an inside look at its big digital transformation plans
- AMA survey: More doctors using – but lukewarm on trusting – AI
- Roundup: AI helps health systems achieve goals as developers push innovation
- For ENT practice, ambient listening tech expected to boost efficiency and reduce scribes
- IT workers’ unemployment rate climbs in 2025
- While providers make clinical discoveries faster, RPM is shifting to a new care model
- Health systems chase ROI, target efficiency in AI for 2025
- Cybersecurity requires new approaches, where all stakeholders contribute
- At HIMSS25, eClinicalWorks will focus on practical applications of AI
- Patient engagement tools don’t increase ‘pajama time’ for clinicians, study shows
- Te Whatu Ora chief resigns
- What’s behind EHR-induced clinician burnout? And how to solve it?
- Health system heavy hitters team on new network for nutrition-based interventions
- HIMSSCast: Nurse practitioners and AI – a potent combination
- Real-time emergency wait list portal live in Queensland and more briefs
- Improving the patient experience can pay dividends you may not expect
- A year since the Change Healthcare breach, what have we learned?
- Best in KLAS 2025 sees industry progress and vendor momentum
- Is prediction the next frontier for artificial intelligence?
- Stargate could lead to AI models that are smaller and faster
- Why are pharma, medical device and DTx companies investing in telemedicine?
- What to look for with health IT policy in the months ahead
- Sacramento County partners with Innovaccer on real-time data sharing
- Breaking down barriers in patient-centered clinical research
- Veradigm EHR ends strategic review and will stay the course
- India targets to sequence 10 million genomes
- Medical data space launched in China’s Greater Bay Area
- How to properly evaluate AI technologies? UVA Health analytics leader has answers
- AI Roundup: Ambient recording for emergencies and more EHR enhancements
- Apollo Hospitals launches digital health research centre and more briefs
- Cyber threat sharing network for health launched and more briefs
- El Camino Health saves $850K in RN replacement with frontline manager platform
- Zoom takes Suki partnership to next level
- Connected health tools help seniors, but a digital divide persists
- HIMSS launches new partnership with AMDIS to advance clinical innovation
- How genAI and precision medicine will change healthcare in 2025
- An economic imperative to invest in women’s health
- New York governor antes funding for hospital modernization projects
- Use a military approach to get C-suite buy-in for AI, says one physician
- State of privacy consent management requires more collaboration, says Sequoia Project
- Telepsychiatry practice uses AI to reduce time to complete session notes by 23%
- How MetroHealth broke free of its imaging data silos
- Trump’s interim HHS chief issues agency-wide gag order
- How responsible AI can improve health equity and access to care
- AI bias evaluation efforts are uneven across U.S. hospitals
- HIMSSCast: AI assurance labs and improving quality
- Even modest meds adherence can be financially transformative for health systems
- Trump VA pick pledges to get Oracle EHR rolling
- AI models show numerous applications and benefits for radiology
- ‘It can be done’: Heart Hospital in Malaysia scores country’s first EMRAM validation
- From reactive to predictive: Equipping general wards with AI
- Australia establishes CDIO role
- NZ gov’t reshuffle prioritises health in 2025
- VA prescribers exempt from DEA’s special telehealth registration
- Telemedicine racks up big cost savings and enhanced care for Nebraska hospital
- UCSF and GE Healthcare launch Care Innovation Hub
- How the Chief AI Officer at Children’s National approaches clinical and admin automation
- HIMSSCast: How digital health can lower costs and enhance care delivery
- Apollo Hospitals to integrate AI copilots and more AI briefs
- Asan Medical Center reaches Stage 7 of INFRAM24
- DEA plans to create a special telehealth registration for prescribers
- Children’s National AI chief discusses her role and its many demands
- Cleveland Clinic teams with Miami University for quantum computing education
- ASTP appoints 3 new health IT leaders: CTO, CDO and CAIO
- Telemedicine helps SSM Health triple volume of psychiatric care
- Truveta and 30 health systems increase genomic sequencing goal
- How AI helps deliver ROI for enterprise imaging efforts
- AI roundup: News from Mayo Clinic, Google Cloud and more
- AI will boost workflow, workforce development and patient safety in 2025
- Particle Health responds to Epic’s motion to dismiss
- HHS publishes AI Strategic Plan, with guidance for healthcare, public health, human services
- Reducing physician burnout requires a multifaceted approach
- Healthcare industry aligning on AI model cards, and other innovations
- HIMSSCast: A look ahead at 2025 trendlines
- HIMSS launches new member benefits, with research, analytics and other resources
- CHAI launches open-source healthcare AI nutrition label model card
- What to expect in Asia-Pacific health IT in 2025?
- AI that identifies undiagnosed cognitive impairment could improve VBC
- Kaiser Permanente’s new head of AI on ‘two fundamental shifts’ the technology will enable
- NeuroFlow acquires, integrates Intermountain’s behavioral health analytics model
- FDA updates guidance on pulse ox devices used in healthcare
- 2025 forecast: Telehealth will boost panel size and enable more delegation
- FDA offers new draft guidance to developers of AI-enabled medical devices
- In 2025, look for more digital-first patient engagement and data-driven decisions
- DoD to develop scalable genAI testing datasets
- HIMSSCast: How genAI can reinvent the work of clinicians
- Remote patient monitoring will boost CHF and GLP-1 care in 2025
- Boston Children’s brings engineering precision to pediatric heart surgery
- Brain Cipher begins to leak stolen Rhode Island data
- Ransomware downtime costs U.S. healthcare organizations $1.9M daily
- Top 10 most-read stories of 2024
- Top 15 largest U.S. healthcare provider data breaches of 2024
- HHS releases notice of HIPAA Security Rule update
- Korea starts recruiting for 1 billion bio data project
- 2025: The ‘great tech reckoning’ and the ‘real’ AI revolution
- HIMSSCast: Nurses want AI to enhance patient interactions
- IoT and ransomware are big security risks, and health systems feel unprepared
- UVA Health RAMPs up AI and real-time analytics
- Ascension cyberattack exposed medical data of 5.6M customers
- What will AI do for telemedicine in 2025? More than you might think
- VA to restart deployments in EHR modernization effort
- 2025: Provider organizations will embrace new AI and analytics techniques
- $2M e-ICU project to be launched in regional Korea
- Congress releases AI policy blueprint
- Epic files to dismiss antitrust lawsuit
- Chinese hospitals join NUS Medicine’s big health data project
- Project to launch Vietnam’s first AI virtual hospital announced
- Smart rooms are not common, but their benefits could soon make them so
- Another House bill to aims to protect against hospital cyberattacks
- Three for 2025: What you need to know about agentic AI, cancer informatics and data security imperatives
- Congress looks set to extend telehealth and hospital-at-home flexibilities
- Using AI and ML in predictive analytics for bed demand forecasting
- ASTP updates HHS AI Use Case Inventory for 2024
- Report shows overwhelming doctor support for virtual care
- ASTP finalizes just part of HTI-2, to the disappointment of health IT developers
- How Henry Ford Health is boosting health equity by bridging the telehealth divide
- Epic Nexus connects 625 hospitals to TEFCA