The Main Events and News of the Institute

23.07.2024. Research of the Laboratory of Radiation Monitoring

19.07.2024. Press conference “Destruction of the State Laboratory of Production Quality and Safety Control and Pressure from Regulatory Authorities” was held

18.07.2024. Measures for primary prevention of cancer following the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine “On Prevention, Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Malignant Tumors”

04.07.2024. The problem of waste management in Ukraine in the context of military aggression of the Russian Federation

July 2-3, 2024: WHO organized a webinar to discuss the new global estimates of physical inactivity in adults

14.06.2024. An information event, “Support for the participation of Ukrainian organizations in the competitions of the Horizon Europe Program”

11.06.2024. Congratulations to the staff of the Laboratory of the Social Determinants of Population Health and the Head of the Laboratory, Svitlana Hozak, Doctor of Medicine, Professor, on the award from the Presidium of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine

04.06.2024. Working meeting of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the school feeding reform team: steps to implement school feeding reform

We are pleased to invite you to the scientific and practical conference with international participation, “Current Issues of Public Health and Environmental Safety of Ukraine,” held on October 24-25, 2024
(date of publication on the website 30.05.2024)

28.05.2024. To the World No Tobacco Day (May 31)

24.05.2024. Round table on “Food sales through the Electronic Catalog of Goods and Procurement at Prozorro Market e-tender: How to expand the market during the war. Main challenges and prospects offered by Prozorro Market”

May 23-24, 2024 “Stress-associated mental disorders during the war (therapy, prevention, organization of care)”

May 22-23, 2024 Scientific and Practical Conference “Actual Problems of Preventive Medicine and Medical Ecology”

17.05.2024. Information event “Integration of Ukraine into the Global Research Space”

16.05.2024. Webinar “The full cycle of scientific research with Clarivate resources”

13.05.2024. All-Ukrainian round table “Movement for Health – the Science of the Future”

13.05.2024. Webinar on the publication «The 2024 Europe report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: unprecedented warming demands unprecedented action»

07.05.2024. Webinar «Specificities of participation in the EU LIFE and Copernicus programs»

April 25-27, 2024 XXIII All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference “Environment and Health”

23.04.2024. Clarifications on the amendments to the current “Sanitary Regulations for General Secondary Education Institutions” proposed by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

18.04.2024. Presentation of the new Collection of recipes for meals for children in educational institutions and other children’s institutions

April 16-19, 2024 VI International Symposium “Education and Health of the Younger Generation”

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Read the news of State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine

Read the news of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine

Read the news of the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection (SSUFSCP)

Read the news of the State Forest Resources Agency of Ukraine

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