The Main Events and News of the Institute

On March 25, 2025, a round table discussion was held: «Regulation of the circulation of dietary supplements. New in the legislation of Ukraine and European experience» (date of publication on the website 25.03.2025)

On March 24, 2025, a webinar on publishing in the journal «The Lancet Regional Health – Europe» was held (date of publication on the website 24.03.2025)

Reducing salt consumption is the way to a healthy life (date of publication on the website 19.03.2025)

On March 15, the international community celebrates World Consumer Rights Day (date of publication on the website 14.03.2025)

International School Meals Day (on March 14): quality food is the key to a healthy future (date of publication on the website 14.03.2025)

On March 10, 2025, the International Conference «Innovation, Inclusion and Equality of Opportunity: The Fundamental Role of Women in Academia, Education, Science and Entrepreneurship» was held (date of publication on the website 10.03.2025)

On March 4-7, 2025, the VIII International Symposium “Education and Health of the Younger Generation” was held (date of publication on the website 07.03.2025)

An online meeting on the quality of water intended for human consumption was held on March 5, 2025 (date of publication on the website 06.03.2025)

On March 4, the world celebrates World Anti-Obesity Day (date of publication on the website 04.03.2025)

On February 26, 2025, a public defense of the dissertation took place (date of publication on the website 03.03.2025)

On February 24, 2025, a meeting was held with the Chairman of the Board of the All-Ukrainian Association of Public Health Specialists (date of publication on the website 25.02.2025)

Deepening of cooperation between the State Service of Ukraine on Medicines and Drugs Control and the SI «IPH NAMSU» (date of publication on the website 20.02.2025)

A scientific article 137Cs Daily Intake with Foodstuff in the Selected Cohort of the Village Narodychi 30 Years After the Chornobyl Accident was published (date of publication on the website 19.02.2025)

The monograph Modern Issues of Disinfectology Methods for Determining the Effectiveness of Chemical Disinfectants is out of print (date of publication on the website 18.02.2025)

On February 13, 2025, an information event «Some aspects of participation in the Horizon Europe Program» was held (date of publication on the website 14.02.2025)

February 13, 2025, participation in the meeting of the Kyiv Science and Innovation Cluster (date of publication on the website 14.02.2025)

Prevalence of tobacco and nicotine use by adolescents before the start of military aggression (date of publication on the website 07.02.2025)

On February 6, 2025, the UFPMO, the UMSA, and the Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine signed a trilateral memorandum of cooperation (date of publication on the website 06.02.2025)

On February 5, 2025, the International Water Forum «Yaremche 2025» was held – «The price of drinking water in Ukraine in today’s realities» (date of publication on the website 06.02.2025)

On January 31, 2025, the Memorandum of Cooperation with the National Social Service of Ukraine was signed (date of publication on the website 04.02.2025)

Maternal and child health care is a priority of the institutions of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine (date of publication on the website 30.01.2025)

On January 23, 2025, a meeting of the Board of the Ukrainian Federation of Professional Medical Organizations was held (date of publication on the website 24.01.2025)

On January 21, 2025, a working meeting was held with the First Deputy Head of the National Social Service (date of publication on the website 21.01.2025)

Viral Aerosol (date of publication on the website 17.01.2025)

On January 15, 2025, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the SI «IPH NAMSU» and the State Expert Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (date of publication on the website 16.01.2025)

On January 10, 2025, a seminar of the MIT Ukraine Water Project was held (date of publication on the website 14.01.2025)

On January 10, 2025, the forum “WATER in Ukraine-2025: Under the Prism of Climate Change, War and Food Security” was held (date of publication on the website 14.01.2025)

Social aspects of the life of the urban and rural population of Ukraine under martial law (date of publication on the website 07.01.2025)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2025!
(date of publication on the website 24.12.2024)

Publication of the Laboratory of Radiation Monitoring on natural radioactivity in water (date of publication on the website 23.12.2024)

On Appointment of the Acting Director
of the State Institution «Marzieiev Institute for Public Health
of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine»

(date of publication on the website 17.12.2024)

It has been 75 years since
our institution launched the scientific direction of childhood hygiene
(date of publication on the website 03.12.2024)

A seminar, “Opportunities of the EU Horizon Europe Program for Researchers,” was held on November 28, 2024 (date of publication on the website 29.11.2024)

November 21, 2024, Cooperation Agreement with the PHEI «International Academy of Ecology and Medicine» (date of publication on the website 22.11.2024)

Participation in the Youth Leadership & Business Forum Turkiye 2024 (date of publication on the website 18.11.2024)

On November 14, 2024, a scientific and practical conference, “Contribution of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine to the Victory,” was held (date of publication on the website 15.11.2024)

On November 14, 2024, the V International Scientific and Practical Conference “Future Prospects and Present Realities in Water Treatment Technologies” was held (date of publication on the website 15.11.2024)

November 14 – World Diabetes Day (date of publication on the website 14.11.2024)

Speech of Olena Mykhaylenko in the live radio program “Today. In the Morning” on Ukrainian Radio on the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diabetes mellitus (date of publication on the website 14.11.2024)

On October 30-31, 2024, the XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Life Safety, Ecology and Health Protection of Children and Youth of the XXI Century: Current Status, Problems and Prospects” was held (date of publication on the website 31.10.2024)

On October 24-25, 2024,
a scientific and practical conference with international participation,
“Current Issues of Public Health and Environmental Safety of Ukraine”
(XX Marzieiev Readings), was held

(published on the website on October 31, 2024)

A Program and Invitation
to the scientific and practical conference with international participation,
“Current Issues of Public Health and Environmental Safety of Ukraine,”
held on October 24-25, 2024

(date of publication on the website 16.10.2024)

On October 9, 2024, a roundtable discussion was held on the results of the project “Safe Drinking Water in Ukraine: Access to Information on Water Quality and Water Treatment Methods” (date of publication on the website 10.10.2024)

Joint with Kyivvodokanal testing of the possibility of using pulverized activated carbon in water treatment (date of publication on the website 09.10.2024)

On October 3-4, 2024, the All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference with International Participation, “Role of the Public Health System in the Implementation of the National Healthcare System Development Strategy by 2030,” was held (date of publication on the website 07.10.2024)

To the World Patient Safety Day (date of publication on the website 25.09.2024)

Assessment of the functional state of schoolchildren when using computer technology in the modern educational environment (date of publication on the website 19.09.2024)

Ukraine’s Ministry of Education and Science has renewed membership in the Scientific and Technical Council and its sections on priority areas of science and technology development (date of publication on the website 17.09.2024)

The impact of lifestyle and environmental habits on youth health (date of publication on the website 17.09.2024)

Regarding the situation with drinking water supply caused by the pollution of the Sejm River (date of publication on the website 13.09.2024)

The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine held meetings on the situation with the pollution of the Seim River in Sumy Oblast and the Seim and Desna Rivers in Chernihiv Oblast (date of publication on the website 05.09.2024)

We would like to inform you that in 2024, we plan to publish
the scientific journal «Hygiene of Populated Places», issue No.74, online

(date of publication on the website 02.09.2024)

Communication as a prerequisite for students’ mental health during the war (date of publication on the website 09.08.2024)

Radon – risks to public health (date of publication on the website 06.08.2024)

Research of the Laboratory of Radiation Monitoring (date of publication on the website 23.07.2024)

Measures for primary prevention of cancer following the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine “On Prevention, Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Malignant Tumors” (date of publication on the website 18.07.2024)

The problem of waste management in Ukraine in the context of military aggression of the Russian Federation (date of publication on the website 04.07.2024)

July 2-3, 2024: WHO organized a webinar to discuss the new global estimates of physical inactivity in adults (date of publication on the website 03.06.2024)

An information event, “Support for the participation of Ukrainian organizations in the competitions of the Horizon Europe Program” (date of publication on the website 14.06.2024)

Congratulations to the staff of the Laboratory of the Social Determinants of Population Health and the Head of the Laboratory, Svitlana Hozak, Doctor of Medicine, Professor, on the award from the Presidium of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine (date of publication on the website 11.06.2024)

A Working meeting of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the school feeding reform team: steps to implement school feeding reform was held (date of publication on the website 04.06.2024)

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Read the news of the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection (SSUFSCP)

Read the news of the State Forest Resources Agency of Ukraine

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