Meetings, Workshops, Seminars

July 2-3, 2024: WHO organized a webinar to discuss the new global estimates of physical inactivity in adults

14.06.2024. An information event, “Support for the participation of Ukrainian organizations in the competitions of the Horizon Europe Program”

17.05.2024. Information event “Integration of Ukraine into the Global Research Space”

13.05.2024. Webinar on the publication «The 2024 Europe report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: unprecedented warming demands unprecedented action»

07.05.2024. Webinar «Specificities of participation in the EU LIFE and Copernicus programs»

April 16-19, 2024 VI International Symposium “Education and Health of the Younger Generation”

26.09.2023. A meeting between representatives of UNEP and employees of the Institute

15.02.2023. A Zoom meeting with representatives of Dokkyo Medical University (Japan)

02.12.2021. Visit of representatives of the experts mission for the Joint External Evaluation of the implementation of IHR capabilities in Ukraine (Kiev, Ukraine, 11/29/2021 – 03/12/2021) to the State Institution “O.M. Marzieiev Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”

Biocide Project Events (2017-2018)