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Please send the reports on possible academic integrity offenses
to the person authorized to ensure the Institute’s academic integrity policy
E-mail: wateramnu@ukr.net
(Olesia Zorina)

Please report plagiarism offenses
to the person authorized to ensure the Institute’s plagiarism prevention policy
E-mail: echerevko@ukr.net
(Olena Fedoryshina)

Please send reports on possible violations of academic mobility rights
to the person authorized to ensure the Institute’s academic mobility rights policy
E-mail: koblyanskaya_alla@ukr.net
(Alla Koblianska)

Please send the reports on possible sexual harassment or sexual discrimination offenses
to the person authorized to ensure the Institute’s antidiscrimination and antibulling policy
E-mail: tapasy81@gmail.com
(Tetiana Skochko)

Please send the reports on possible corruption offenses
to the person authorized to ensure the Institute’s anticorruption policy
E-mail: avg520179@gmail.com
(Alla Gubska)

Please send letters on scientific-educational issues
to the Institute’s EDBO registered address
E-mail: igz@health.gov.ua

Please send suggestions on enhancing the Institute’s educational programs
or other documents related to the educational process

to the Department of Educational Scientific Activity
E-mail: ltr0675889091@gmail.com
(Liudmyla Rusakova)

Please send any suggestions on the Site design
to the Site Administrator (Chief Editor of the Site)
E-mail: sergiy.begun@health.gov.ua
(Sergiy Begun)

Please send the materials for the publication at the Site
to the Site Editor
E-mail: melka-jul@ukr.net
(Julia Melchenko)

NGO “Ukrainian Association of Public Health”
Phone.: +380-44-513-71-36
E-mail: o.rudnytska@ukr.net
(Secretary of Board)