An online meeting on the quality of water intended for human consumption was held on March 5, 2025

On March 5, 2025, an online meeting was held with participants of the UN Economic Commission for Europe’s National Policy Dialogues on Water program. The purpose of the meeting was to draw up a roadmap for implementing Directive 2020/2184/EU, which focuses on water quality for human consumption in Ukraine.

On behalf of the State Institution «Marzieiev Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine,» one of the executors of the scientific part of this project, Head of the Laboratory of Surface Water Safety, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Senior Researcher Olesia ZORINA, took part in the online meeting.

Olesia ZORINA announced that the specialists at the Laboratory of Surface Water Safety of the State Institution «Marzieiev Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine,» have developed methodological approaches for managing decision-making processes. These approaches aim to implement the requirements of Directive 2020/2184/EU regarding the quality of water intended for human consumption in Ukraine.

The second stage of the work will be to create the roadmap itself based on the proposals of all project experts.

(date of publication on the website 06.03.2025)