23.07.2024. Research of the Laboratory of Radiation Monitoring

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For a long time (since 1996), the Laboratory of Radiation Monitoring has participated in research activities carried out at the industrial site and near the Chornobyl NPP in the Exclusion Zone related to the spread of radioactivity with water.
The work is being carried out under a cooperation agreement with the Institute for Nuclear Power Plant Safety Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. As a result of the current (2024) work in this area, two articles were published, with M.G. Buzynnyi as a co-author. Both articles have informative titles and comprehensive abstracts that describe the details of the developments.
- Factors influencing the increased 90Sr radioisotope migration in highly alkaline groundwater at Chornobyl NPP site. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. Vol. 275, May 2024, 107431
Indexed in (Scopus & WoS). - A Permanent Mathematical Model of Filtration and Migration Conditions Between the Pripyat and Uzh Rivers of the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone. (2024) Visnyk of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Geology. 1(104) PP.115-123
It is indexed in (WoS).
Head of the Laboratory of Radiation Monitoring
Doctor of Sciences (Biology), Senior Researcher, Mykhailo Buzynnyi