19.07.2024. Press conference “Destruction of the State Laboratory of Production Quality and Safety Control and Pressure from Regulatory Authorities” was held

On July 19, 2024, a press conference was held at the Interfax-Ukraine press center on “Destruction of the State Laboratory of Production Quality and Safety Control and Pressure from Regulatory Authorities.”

The press conference was attended by:

  • Head of the State Laboratory of Production Quality and Safety Control at the State Institution “Marzieiev Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”, PhD, Candidate of Economic Sciences Natalia Ostanina;
  • Head of the Laboratory of Sanitary Microbiology and Disinfectology, Doctor of Medicine Olena Surmasheva;
  • Senior Researcher, PhD in Biology Olena Kuznetsova;
  • Senior Researcher Vadym Briazkalo;
  • Chief Researcher, Doctor of Chemical Sciences Vasyl Brytsun.

The press conference is available here: