The impact of lifestyle and environmental habits on youth health

Youth health is known to be one component of the successful development of the Ukrainian nation. The quality and quantity of productive forces and the potential for future social development depend on the younger generation’s health.
Given the importance of youth health for the future well-being of the country, scientists from the Laboratory of Epidemiology of Non-Infectious Diseases and Medical Informatics at the SI “IPH NAMSU” carried out a study of the health status of Ukrainian youth, their lifestyle, and health-forming habits.
The analysis of scientific sources and our research showed that most young people lack habits and knowledge about healthy lifestyles, are inactive in meeting the requirements of a healthy lifestyle, organize educational activities irrationally, have bad habits and have other factors that negatively affect their health.
It has been found that a healthy lifestyle affects not only physical health but also significantly affects emotional mood, which, in turn, substantially contributes to the self-esteem of physical condition.
Thus, the study shows the significant role of modern youth’s lifestyle and behavioral habits in shaping their health.
For more information about this study, please follow the links:
Head of the Laboratory of Epidemiology of Non-Infectious Diseases and Medical Informatics of the SI “IPH NAMSU”
Professor, Doctor of Sciences (Biology) Mykhailo Antomonov
State Institution «Marzieiev Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine»
(date of publication on the website 17.09.2024)