Laboratory of Biocides and Toxicology

The Laboratory was established in 2024 as a result of merger of the Laboratory of Chemical Materials Safety and the Laboratory of Toxicology.

The head of the Laboratory – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Sergii Garkavyi (ORCID:
Tel .: +380-44-292-14-40, +380-44-513-40-48, e-mail:

The main scientific activities:

  • Assessment of toxicity and danger of the chemicals by toxicometric parameters of acute toxicity;
  • Experimental study of bioeffects of the impact of the environmental factors;
  • Cause-effect violations in the organism in the aspect of dose (concentration, level) – time – effect dependence;
  • Methodical development of the conception of the biological indication of the danger of the environmental factor effect;
  • Rationalization and forecast of the formation of structural- and -functional changes of homeostasis;
  • Substantiation of the criteria for the hygienic assessment of the complex effect of physical or chemical environmental factors;
  • Assessment of the safety for human health of the new chemical materials and agents, based on them (plastic, building, construction, furniture materials, polishing agents, varnishes, paints, pastes, materials for clothes and footwear, sanitary equipment, etc.), polymer materials for food packaging, perfumery- and- cosmetic production, household chemical agents;
  • Development of new methodological approaches and alternative methods to the assessment of the safety for human health of the products of household chemistry, perfumer- and –cosmetic agents, polymer and synthetic materials;
  • Sanitary-and-chemical and toxicological research of the new raw materials for the prediction of the risk of negative effect of their finished products on human health;
  • Establishment of the regularities of chemical stability, accumulation and migration of the harmful chemicals from the new chemical materials, preparations and products in human environment;
  • Development of the recommendations on the harmonization of the Ukrainian legislation with the current EU requirements to the perfumery- and-cosmetic production, means of household chemistry, polymer and synthetic materials.

The most significant scientific achievements:

The researchers of the Laboratory :

  • determined the regularities and mechanisms of the formation of bioeffects of the electromagnetic radiation of different frequency ranges depending on the frequency, level of intensity, and time of exposure;
  • determined the dependences of the functional state of the organism under real conditions of the joint effect of electromagnetic and ionizing radiation at various ways of 137Cs intake in the organism;
  • determined the characteristics and regularities in the formation of early structural-and-functional disorders in the organism at the joint effect of physical and chemical factors with different primary mechanisms of biological effect (EMR and chloroform);
  • developed a conception of the biological indication of the markers of the reproductive system, obtained the patent N 68686 “Method for the Determination of the Disorders of the Generative Function at the Effect of Unhealthy Environmental Factors”;
  • determined a state of the biochemical processes at the effect of the anionic surfactants in epicutaneous intake;
  • determined the parameters of acute toxicity of carboxylates of biogenic nanometals on the basis of food acids and chronic effect of the agents on the basis of nanosilver for the substantiation of the possibility of their use as the trace element impurities;
  • determined the toxicological characteristics of the effect of drinking water of non-standard composition of mineralization for the hygienic substantiation of the safety of the use in drinking water supply;
  • developed the new methodological approaches to the assessment of the effect on human health of the cosmetics, household chemicals and ingredients, used in these categories of products;
  • performed toxicological- and- hygienic assessment of the thermal degradation products of the most commonly used building materials;
  • developed a method of sanitary-and-chemical assessment of the combustion products of polymer building materials and express method for the determination of their risk class;
  • investigated the toxicokinetics of the extraction of organochlorine compounds,formed during their combustion; studied the toxicokinetics of the formation of carboxihemoglobin and substantiated a dose-time load with carbon monoxide on the white mice;
  • performed a hygienic regulation of the varnish-and-paint materials for building by sanitary-chemical indices and indices of safety of the products of their combustion in accordance with the current requirements (EU standards);
  • developed the methodology for the measurement of the odorous substances (terpenoids) mass concentration in the air of the settlements in the areas of the location of the enterprises of household chemistry and in the indoor air of residential and public premises by the method of gas-liquid chromatography.