Laboratory of Air Quality
The Laboratory was established in 1931. In different years it was headed by V.Ya.Yakovenko, D.M. Kaliuzhny, Yu.D. Dumansky, K. V. Hrihorieva, V.Ye. Prysiazhniuk.
O.I. Turos (ORCID:, Professor, Doctor of Sciences (Medicine) is a head of the Laboratory
Tel .: +38(044)292-13-67, +38(044)292-14-47; e-mail :
The main scientific activities:
- Hygienic assessment of air pollution;
- Determination of the pollutants in ambient air, indoor air,air of working zone and industrial emissions;
- Development of the hygienic specifications, rules, standards, methods for the measurement of air pollutants;
- Assessment of the risk for the health of the population from the hazardous effect of air pollution;
- Methodical ensuring and performance of the inventory of the sources of the pollutants in the atmosphere; preparation of the documents substantiating the volume of emissions;
- Scientific substantiation of the size of sanitary-and-protective zones for the performance of the state sanitary-and-epidemiological examination;
- Hygienic assessment of biological pollution of ambient air with aeroallergen pollen;
- Adaptation of molecular-and-genetic methods for the determination of genetic predisposition of the population, residing in risk zones, due to air pollution;
- Identification of genetically modified organisms in the foodstuffs, biological additives and medicines.
The most significant scientific achievements
The researchers of the Laboratory
- Developed the scientific approaches to the improvement of the air quality assessment system based on the assessment of risk for the health of the population;
- Substantiated the methodological approaches to the use of the innovative systems of the simulation of ambient air pollution by stationary and mobile sources of emissions;
- Improved the methods of determination and hygienic assessment criteria for chemical and biological air pollution, indoor air of residential and public buildings;
- Substantiated the methodical bases of the calculation of the economic assessment of social losses and damages for the health of the population residing in the areas of unacceptable aerogenic risk;
- Substantiated the criteria of the safety for the health of the population of the effect of ambient air pollen allergens;
- Substantiated scientifically information-and-analytical system of the hygienic assessment of air quality for the implementation of the programs of the stable development at local and national levels.