Education and science are regaining leadership in public administration policy making

On February 13, 2025, Olena TUROS, Deputy Director for Scientific Work of the State Institution “Marzeyev Institute of Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, took part in the meeting of the Kyiv Scientific and Innovation Cluster organized by the Kyiv City State Administration (KCSA).

Among the issues that were widely and meaningfully discussed by the participants of the meeting, we would like to note the creation of a science park in the capital as a strategic tool for the development of the innovative economy and scientific and technological potential of Kyiv, which is particularly interesting and promising for the scientists of our institute. Also discussed were the organization and holding of highly specialized scientific and practical forums for a comprehensive analysis of sectoral problems of Kyiv, taking into account innovative approaches to urban development, integration of science into management processes, and the involvement of interdisciplinary research to address current challenges in the areas of infrastructure, ecology, social policy and economic growth of the capital.
(date of publication on the website 14.02.2025)