A seminar, “Opportunities of the EU Horizon Europe Program for Researchers,” was held on November 28, 2024
On November 28, 2024, the State Institution «Marzieiev Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine» hosted a seminar, “Opportunities of the EU Horizon Europe Program for Researchers.”
The speakers were:
- Anzhela PIATOVA, PhD, Head of the National Contact Point of the EU Horizon Europe Program, Cluster 5: Climate, Energy, and Mobility;
- Olga SULEMA, PhD, Head of the National Contact Point of the EU’s Horizon Europe program in the WIDERA area “Widening Participation and Strengthening the European Research Area.”
Reports were presented:
- “The Ninth EU Framework Program for Research and Innovation “Horizon Europe” – conditions of participation for researchers,”
- “WIDERA direction: narrowing the gap in research activities between the program’s leading and lagging countries,”
- “Current competitions of the 5th cluster of the EU Horizon Europe program: climate, energy and mobility”.
The seminar was attended by the Institute’s director, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Nadiia Polka, Deputy Director for Scientific Work, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Olena Turos, and the Institute’s staff.
The issues discussed aroused considerable interest among the Institute’s experts.
As a result of the seminar, it was decided to strengthen the work on developing and writing projects for international grant programs, which will allow the Institute to expand international cooperation.
State Institution «Marzieiev Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine»
(date of publication on the website 29.11.2024)