November 21, 2024, Cooperation Agreement with the PHEI «International Academy of Ecology and Medicine»

On November 21, 2024, the State Institution «Marzieiev Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine» and the Private Higher Educational Institution «International Academy of Ecology and Medicine» signed a Cooperation Agreement.
The subject matter of this Agreement is cooperation between the Parties to promote participation in scientific and practical conferences, exchange of scientific achievements, mutual consultations on disease prevention, hygiene, and medical ecology, and the provision of information, organizational, and other mutual services free of charge.

In the photos: Acting Rector of the PHEI «International Academy of Ecology and Medicine» Ivan Savytskyi and Acting Director of the State Institution «Marzieiev Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine» Olena Turos
State Institution «Marzieiev Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine»
(date of publication on the website 22.11.2024)