Annual scientific and practical Conference with international participation for the 140th anniversary of the birth of O.M. Marzieiev “Current Issues of Public Health and Environmental Safety of Ukraine” (19 Marzieiev readings)
Annual scientific and practical conference
with international participation
We cordially invite you to take part at the Annual scientific and practical Conference with international participation for the 140th anniversary of the birth of O.M. Marzieiev “Current Issues of Public Health and Environmental Safety of Ukraine” (19 Marzieiev readings), which will take place on October 19, 2023 on the basis of the State Institution “O.M. Marzieiev Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”, Kyiv.
Medical Doctors, chemists, biologists, physics, ecologists, technologists, scientists of different profiles and other snorted persons are invited to participate at the conference.
The program of the Conference includes the lectures and presentations from leading national and international experts.
The main topics of the conference:
· The role of outstanding Ukrainian scientists in the formation of hygienic science as a fundamental basis of prevention;
· Modern challenges of the public health system;
· International, intersectoral and interdisciplinary cooperation in the field of public health, environmental protection and climate change;
· Medical-ecological and socio-economic determinants of health;
· Biosafety and International medical and sanitary regulations;
· Current issues of hygiene of children and adolescents in today’s conditions;
· Hygienic aspects of nutrition;
· Sanitary and hygienic provision of servicemen;
· Sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population when overcoming the consequences of military operations.
Informaton for participants:
Opening of the conference on October 19, 2023 at 10:00 a.m.
The conference will be held at the State Institution ” OM Marzieiev Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine” in mixed mode (off-line and on-line using the Zoom platform).
Electronic application form for registration:
A link to enter the conference will be sent to the e-mail address specified upon registration.
Forms of participation:
· Only oral presentation
· Abstract with presentation
· Only abstract
· Listener
The materials of the conference in the format of theses will be included in the electronic abstract book “CURRENT ISSUES OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY OF UKRAINE”, which will be posted on the website of the State Institution ” OM Marzieiev Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine” (
All participants are guaranteed to receive an electronic abstract book and conference program (PDF).
To publish theses in abstract book you need:
- Complete theses in accordance with the requirements.
- Send an electronic version of theses to e-mail: by August 20, 2023. In the subject of the letter indicate “Abstract to the Conferense”.
The page format is A4.
Margins: (top, bottom, left, right) 20 mm each.
Font size (pin) – 14, font type – Times New Roman, *.doc, *.docx.
Line spacing – 1.5
Paragraph indentation (new line) – 1 cm.
Volume: 2-3 pages.
Structural elements of theses:
TITLE (in capital letters)
Surname and initials of the authors (example: O.L. Shevchenko) (italics, bold)
Full name of the institution / organization, city (italics, bold)
Further – the text of the work
WARNING! The abstract must be edited by the author as required.
Please sent the abstracts by August 20, 2023 on the e-mail:
In the subject of the letter indicate “Abstract to the Conferense”.
All Participants will receive an electronic certificate.
If you will have any questions please inform to E-mail:;
We would be extremely grateful for your consent to participate at the Conference.
Organizing committee