On March 25, 2025, a round table discussion was held: «Regulation of the circulation of dietary supplements. New in the legislation of Ukraine and European experience»

On March 25, 2025, a round table «Regulation of the circulation of dietary supplements. NEW IN THE LEGISLATION OF UKRAINE AND EUROPEAN EXPERIENCE» was held at the State Institution «Marzieiev Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine.»

About 200 people attended the event, including representatives of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection, dietary supplement market operators, research institutions, and professional public associations.

In the course of the roundtable, 11 reports were presented by the Program of the event:

1. Krzysztof ŁANDA – Deputy Minister of Health of Poland (2015-2017), Advisor to the Minister of Health of Ukraine, MD.

REPORT: «Analytical review of the peculiarities of regulating the circulation of dietary supplements in the legislation of the European Union on the example of Poland» (download the presentation file (in Ukrainian and Polish))

2. Mariia HULICH – Head of the Laboratory of Nutrition Hygiene and Safety of Food Products, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

REPORT: «Experience of state regulation of dietary supplements circulation in Ukraine: shortcomings and the need for changes» (download the presentation file (in Ukrainian))

3. Oleg SHVETS – Chairman of the All-Ukrainian public organization «Association of Nutritionists of Ukraine»

REPORT: «A practical view on the regulation of the circulation of dietary supplements in Ukraine» (download the presentation file (in Ukrainian))

4. Natalia OSTANINA – Head of the Laboratory of Production Quality and Safety Control of the State Institution «Marzieiev Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine», PhD in Economics.

REPORT: «Determination of the necessary steps of regulatory regulation at the stage of enactment of the Law “On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine on Improving the Regulation of Production and Circulation of Dietary Supplements, Settlement of Other Issues in the Healthcare Sector» (download the presentation file (in Ukrainian))

5. State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection (online)

Ihor LOTSKIN – Director of the Department of Food Safety and Veterinary Medicine

Olha SEMENCHUK – Deputy Director of the Department of Food Safety and Veterinary Medicine – Head of the Food and Feed Safety Directorate.

6. Andrii PROSKOCHYLO – Deputy Director for Strategic Development and Project Management of «Vorwarts Pharma» LLC

REPORT: «Experience of cooperation with some European regulatory authorities in the field of circulation of dietary supplements» (download the presentation file (in Ukrainian))

7. Irina VOLYNETS – Director of Verifika LLC

REPORT: «Challenges for certification bodies concerning enterprises producing dietary supplements»

8. Vadym KOZLOVSKYI – Director of Eviar Farm LLC,

REPORT: «Circulation of dietary supplements and food products for special medical devices: a manufacturer’s view on development, implementation and risks» (download the presentation file (in Ukrainian))

9. Viktor KOROGOD – Executive Director of the Ukrainian Association of General Medical Practitioners

REPORT: «Not harm is one of the most important principles of medical ethics»

10. Olexander GALKIN – Dean of the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering of the National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute,» Chairman of the NGO «Association of Biomedicine and Bioengineering,» Doctor Biological Sciences, Professor

REPORT: «Problems and prospects of sustainable development of the system of admission of dietary supplements and food products for special medical purposes to the Ukrainian market» (download the presentation file (in Ukrainian))

11. Iryna SUVOROVA – Director of the Public Union «Pharmacy Professional Association of Ukraine (APAU),» Candidate of Biological Sciences, Honored Pharmacist of Ukraine

REPORT: «Peculiarities of selling dietary supplements in pharmacies» (download the presentation file (in Ukrainian))

Based on the results of the roundtable, a draft Resolution was developed and discussed, which is available for review and suggestions to the organizing committee of the roundtable at the e-mail address IPH_office@ukr.net by March 31, 2025.

ROUND TABLE PROGRAM (download in Ukrainian)

DRAFT RESOLUTION (download in Ukrainian)

(date of publication on the website 25.03.2025)