Training on biocides legislation 22-24 May 2018, Kyiv, Ukraine

(Biocides 2017-2018)

On May 22-24, 2018, a training on legislation on biocides was held in the Alfavito Hotel with the participation of national experts, representatives of ministries and departments, and civil society organizations (Annex 1). Trainig was conducted within the framework of the project “Strengthening the Capacity for Safe Management of Biocides (Pesticides and Disinfectants) to reduce the impact on the population in Ukraine”.

The training was chaired by WHO experts Dr Irina Zastenska (WHO European Office, Bonn), Natalia Korol (Ph.D., National Coordinator of NCD prevention programs in Ukraine, WHO Office in Ukraine), representatives of the National Institute of Public Health (Italy) and with the participation of Dr Marta Everard (Chair of the WHO Bureau in Ukraine) (Annex 1 – Program). The training started with the greetings from the WHO Regional Office for Europe and the WHO Representative Office in Ukraine.

The program (Annex 2) began with Maristella Rubbiano’s (Italy) lecture on key elements of the EU legislative framework for biocides.

The program was continued by Koval Ruslan (Ukraine), who reported on the responsibilities of the key stakeholders and the capacity needed to manage biocides. It was noted that today in Ukraine there is no legislative basis for a separate definition of biocides, their classification and handling of biocidal products that can be classified in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 528/2012 of 22 May 2012. Registration of pesticides and agrochemicals in Ukraine is governed by the following laws and regulations: Law of Ukraine No. 86/95-VR of 02.03.1995 “On Pesticides and Agrochemicals”.

CMU Resolution No. 295 of 04.03.1996 “On Approval of the Procedure for State Tests, State Registration and Re-registration, publication of lists of pesticides and agrochemicals authorized for use in Ukraine”. CMU Resolution No. 288 of 04.03.1996 “On Approval of the Procedure for Granting the Permit for the Importation of Unregistered Pesticides and Agrochemicals Used for State Testing and Scientific Researches, as well as Seed (Planting) Materials” Processed by them. The stages of registration of pesticides and agrochemicals were detailed in detail. Registration of disinfectants in Ukraine: Law of Ukraine No. 86/95-VR of March 2, 1995 “On Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases”; Article 34 “Chemicals, biological factors and medical devices used for disinfection measures shall be subject to hygienic regulation and state registration in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation …”; CMU Resolution # 178 dated March 14, 2018 “On Amendments to the Procedure for State Registration (Re-registration) of Disinfectants”.

In the conclusion it was noted: In the legislation of Ukraine there is no single legislative act that would regulate in detail the issues of production of biocide group products and its circulation at all stages of the life cycle (use as a production raw material, storage, transportation, utilization, etc.). Development and adoption of the Law of Ukraine “On Biocides”; Changes to the current Laws of Ukraine “On Pesticides and Agrochemicals”, “On Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases” and others; Development of national technical regulations in the field of chemicals management in accordance with: Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals and Preparations (REACH); Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on the classification, labeling and packaging of substances and mixtures (CLP); Regulation (EC) No 528/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2012 on market access and use of biocidal products (BPR).

Subsequent reports were devoted to Biocidal Active Substances: an overview of the EU program (Raffaela Cross), a dossier on biocidal products: an application for a biocidal product permission – the experience of ISS (Guido Bellomo) and the introduction of an assessment of effectiveness (Lucillas Baldassari).

The first day of the training was completed by the implementation of a practical task: to develop a system for regulating biocides – which elements should be included in the national legislation? What should be done and who will do it? What financial resources should be available and what other financial aspects can be considered? Stable financing of biocidal products.

All participants were divided into 3 groups:

Group 1 – Governmental authorities (legislators)
Koval R.V.
Shumilo O.M.
Tsigulova O.M.
Mukomela AM
Polka N.S.
Koblians’ka A.V.
Golubyatnikov MI
Rudenko I.S.

Group 2 – Safety assessment groups
Safety assessment
Babiy V.F.
Dmitruha N.M.
Omelychuk S.T.
Stankevich VV
Rudnitskaya O.P.
Turos O.I.
Tomashevskaya L.A.
Korolenko T.K.
Kolesnik SM

Group 3 – Efficacy assessment groups
Evaluating efficiency
Сурмашева О.В.
Taran VV
Rosada M.O.
Horval AK
Yanko N.V.
Krivodonov SV
Pavlovsky D.O.

According to the work done by representatives of the presentation groups, the main conclusions from the groups were as follows:

Proposals from a group of government organizations:

Need to prepare a draft law on biocides, which defines the principles of sustainable biocide management in Ukraine.





Other provisions to be included in the draft law on management of biocides ???

The need to prepare a draft Technical Regulation on the placing on the market and use of biocidal products.

The need for a state body responsible for authorizing biocides and other administrative procedures.

Determine the need to create a specific list of biocidal products that should pass through the authorization procedure (authorisation) in Ukraine in the first place, as well as the need for specific national authorization procedures (authorisation).

When preparing the Biocides Management Action Plan, consider the requirements of national legislation on strategic planning.

The first and most important step towards the safe use of Biocides, like other chemicals, is their identification, knowledge of the danger they present to human health and the environment, knowledge of controls. This information should be designed in such a way that the main risk information and appropriate preventive measures are allocated and passed to the consumer in an accessible form.

Suggestions from safety assessment group

The program for the study of disinfectants (DZ) is determined by its specific purpose, composition, type and properties of active substances, regimes of use (the norm of expenditure, working concentrations, methods of treatment, types of treated objects).
Full research should be carried out for new DZ (substances), and for already known DZs the collection and analysis of information according to the specified parameters is carried out according to the literature data.

Characteristics of physical and chemical properties;
Determination of the active substance DZ in the preparation and objects of the environment (biomonitoring in air, water, soil and biomaterials of humans and animals).

The study of human health hazards is carried out in stages.

  1. Collection of information on toxicity and hazard according to the literature is conducted on
    Each active substance (DR) and all components included in the DZ taking into account physical and chemical properties (molecular weight, volatility, pH, solubility, degree of purity) and existing hygienic standards in different environments. Ways of entering the body of DD are determined by its purpose. And also data on health, data of epidemiological researches.
  2. The primary assessment of toxicity of DD includes:
  • acute toxicity in animals (rats, mice, rabbits, mollusks) with the determination of limiting toxicity parameters (LD50, LC50) in the experiment, taking into account the potential routes of ingestion in the body (stomach, skin, mucous membranes, inhalation, parenteral);
  • cytotoxic activity in vitro on a culture of cells of different origin, corresponding to the routes of receipt and determination of LC50.
    Depending on LD50 (oral, through skin) or LC50 (inhalation), substances can be classified into one of the four classes of acute toxicity.
    Also determine the research:
  • Irritation of the skin and mucous membranes of the eye (if the substance is corrosion-free, the study is not conducted);
  • resorptive capacity
  • respiratory or skin sensitization,
  • mutagenic action (gene mutations in human and animal bacteria and cells in vitro).
  1. Evaluation of chronic toxic effects (28 or 90 days):
  • definition of active, threshold and ineffective doses according to limiting indicators of harmfulness;
  • study of toxicokinetics and metabolism;
  • cumulative properties;
  • sensitization and allergenic action;
  • carcinogenic action (not required if the substance is classified as mutagen category 1A or! B);
  • gonadotrophic reproductive toxicity (not required if the substance is known to be toxic and carcinogenic, or all parameters refer to low-toxicity substances);
  • embryotoxic action;
  • selective (specific) toxicity (immunotoxicity, neurotoxicity,
    endocrine disorders);
    phototoxicity (if required);
    substantiation of hygienic norms (MPC or RBMs) in the air of the working zone, ensuring the safety of workers;
    the justification of hygiene standards – MPC (maximum one-time and average daily) or OBRV in the air, water, soil, ensuring the safety of the environment and population.

On the basis of the results of the research, each toxicological and hygienic passport is made for each DZ, as well as guidance on their use in the practice of treatment and prevention institutions, communal services, public catering, as well as the text of labels for DZ of domestic use and sections in the instructions on the use of DZ at food industry enterprises.

Toxicologic-hygienic passport is developed by the institution and consists of sections:

    5.1. Inhalation effect
    5.1.1. Deadly concentrations and cyclic picture of acute poisoning of experimental animals (for aerosols to determine the size of particles and their ratios).
    5.1.2. Threshold concentrations (mg / m3) for experimental animals according to integral, specific toxic effects –
    5.1.3. Threshold concentrations (mg / m3) for a person for irritating effect –
    5.2. Introduction to the stomach.
    5.2.1. Deadly (LD50 and others) doses (mg / kg) and a clinical picture of acute poisoning of experimental animals of different species.
    5.2.2. Threshold doses (mg / kg) for experimental animals according to integral, specific toxic effects.
    5.3. Application to the skin and mucous membranes.
    5.3.1. Deadly (LD50, etc.) doses (mg / kg) when applied to the skin of experimental animals, the presence of skin-resorptive action.
    5.3.2. Local reactions when applying the product to the eye.
    5.4. Cumulative coefficient based on the ” death of animals ” using integral, specific performance indicators (indicate the source according to which the cumulative properties of substances were determined and estimated).
    5.5 Selectivity (tropism) of the toxic effect (neurotoxicity, hepatotoxicity, nephrotoxicity, haemotoxicity, etc.).
    5.6. Ability to cause sensitization of the body.
    5.7. Presence and severity in the nearest normalized analogues of allergenic, mutagenic, carcinogenic, embryotoxic, gonadotoxic, teratogenic effects (indicate the effects that occur and give examples).
    6.1. Threshold concentrations in water of reservoirs mg / dm3:
    concerning the influence on organoleptic properties
    6.2. Toxic effects of close to the structure of compounds
    6.3. For aerosols, the size of the particles and their percentage ratios for the specific conditions of production and use –
    6.4. Character of complaints, cases of damage to health or disease, symptoms of poisoning
    6.5. Remote effects of action
    7.1. Class of hazard of the product according to GOST 12.1.007-76.
    7.2. Hygiene norms for the active basis of the remedy
    7.3. Approved methods in the established procedure (name of the method – gas-liquid chromatography, thin-layer, high-performance liquid, photometry, atomic absorption spectrophotometry, etc.) determination in:

Proposals of the participants of the seminar:

There are no Methodological Guides (Recommendations) on toxicological and hygienic assessment of biocides, including disinfectants of different origin and destination, in Ukraine. Therefore, their development and harmonization with the requirements stipulated in the EU Regulation No. 528/2012 of 22.05.2012 about the sale on the market and the use of biocidal products.

Proposal from Performance Evaluation Team

  1. To develop the procedure for conducting a sanitary and epidemiological examination of biocides in the process of their state registration (methodical recommendations).
  2. To develop and formally approve methods for assessing the specific activity and effectiveness of biocides.
  3. To develop and formally approve methods of quality control of chemical composition of biocides.
  4. Who will do research – accredited and certified for this kind of research specialized institutions.
  5. Who will approve – the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
  6. Financial support – Ministry of Health of Ukraine, manufacturers, importers, distributors.

The program of the second day was started by work in three groups (according to the distribution, conducted on the first day of work).
In the group of governmental organizations, the following issues were heard and discussed: Registration of biocidal products, assessment and authorization for the use of active substances and products: the national system of Ukraine (represented by Ruslan Koval), a description of the procedure for assessing the dossier of biocidal products (Guido Bellomo), a training a system for professional users and sustainable use (Maristella Rubbiani), as well as a practical lesson on a decision to sell a product using a biocidal dossier is; a practical example for PT1B (Guido Bellomo). In the afternoon, the following issues were discussed: Legislation on enforcement – Inspection. How to set up a proper enforcement system: information from different EU countries (Maristella Rubbiani) and Risk Management Options, Communication Risks (Maristella Rubbiani).

The program of the next day in the safety assessment group was a discussion of the following issues: Hazard assessment: physico-chemical danger; assessment of toxicity for the environment, risk characterization (moderator – Dmitruha Natalia). Also discussed were issues of classification and labeling of active substances and biocidal products, correct labeling, risk mitigation measures indicated on the label (Moderator – Marístilla Rubbiani). Ruslan Merezhko provided information on physical and chemical properties, technical equivalence, analysis methods, etc. A practical lesson was also held on the classification and labeling of a biocidal product (moderator – Marístella Rubbiani). The afternoon was devoted to a detailed discussion of the following issues: assessment of human health. Definition and impact assessment: what information is available and where to find it; introduction of an assessment of the impact of biocidal products and data requirements. Use of guidance documents, approaches to impact modeling and risk assessment and mitigation measures (moderator – Raffaela Cresti). At the end of the day a discussion was held on a practical case study on the evaluation of active substances and biocidal preparations (moderator – Raffaela Cresti).

The effectiveness assessment group discussed the following issues: Efficacy evaluation for product types from 1 to 5 (moderator – Lucilla Baldassari), performance evaluation for type 18 product “insecticides, acaricides and other anti-arthropodic biocides” and product type 19 “Repellents and Succulents” (moderator – Valentina Taran). Under the chairmanship of Lucilla Baldassari, a practical lesson was conducted on assessing the effectiveness of the biocidal disinfectant dossier within MG1 (a case study). Also, the issue of assessing the effectiveness of the product type 14 “Rodentsidy” (a practical example) (moderator – Mikhail Rosada) and assessing the effectiveness of preservatives for the type of product 8 “Wood preservatives” – (a practical example) (moderator – Lucilla Baldassari) was discussed in detail.

On May 24, 2018 (training day training), the program was started with the greetings by Elizabeth Paunowicz, Chair of the European Center for the Environment and Health of the WHO, and Marte Everard, Head of the WHO Representative Office in Ukraine. Also, from the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the Center for Public Health, the greetings to the participants of the training was expressed by Irina Rudenko. From the team on project implementation in Ukraine, the floor was given to the National Project Coordinator of Professor Polka N.S.
Also, the meeting participants were greeted by the representatives of the European Youth Coalition on Environment and Health (EENUS).
After greetings, the training program was extended to all participants.
With the discussion of examples of human health; Examples of evaluation of active substances and biocidal preparations word was given by Raffaella Cresti. Next, Vitaly Babiy made practical examples of environmental toxicity and the transformation of the substance in the environment and assessment of behavior.

In the second half, the main issues were: computer tools for biocidal products: IUCLID, SPC Editor, R4BP3 (moderator – Guido Bellomo), and highlighting the importance of creating poison control centers and their role in the implementation of biocides legislation (moderator – Irina Zastenieka).

At the final discussion of the training issues, a lively discussion was held on the relevance of the tasks set forth in the project “Strengthening the Capacity for Safe Management of Biocides (Pesticides and Disinfectants) to reduce the impact on the population in Ukraine”, as well as the correctness of the developed tool for its implementation.
A detailed discussion of the problem of rational regulation of biocides between European and Ukrainian specialists is a significant step in the process of harmonization of Ukrainian legislation with the European one.
The training was very important and useful in terms of identifying unresolved issues, assessing risks, and developing appropriate preventive measures.

Summing up the work, Dr Iryna Zastenska and Dr. Natalia Korol stressed that conducting a training for experts was necessary to form a national assessment and to find answers to all the questions.

Annex 1


№ ParticipantsCountry / Representatives 
1.Ana RuparEEHYC
2.Antonio Marques PintoEEHYC
3.Dovile AdamonyteEEHYC
4.Erikas JansonasEEHYC
5.Elizäbet PaunovichWHO European Centre for Environment and Health
6.Guido BellomoItaly
7.Irina ZastenskayaWHO European Centre for Environment and Health, 
8.Natalia KorolWHO CO in Ukraine
9.Julia KotelnikovaEEHYC
10.Maristella RubbianiItaly
11.Lucilla BaldassarriItaly
12.Raffaella CrestiItaly
13.Babiy V.Ukraine 
14.Golubjatnikov N.Ukraine 
15.Gorval A.Ukraine 
16.Dmitruha N.Ukraine 
17.Emelyanenko M.EEHYC
18.Koval R.Ukraine 
19.Kolesnik S.Ukraine 
20.Koblyanska A.Ukraine 
21.Korolenko T.Ukraine 
22.Krivodonov S.Ukraine 
23.Mukomela A.Ukraine 
24.Omelchuk S.Ukraine 
25.Pavlovskiy D.Ukraine 
26.Polka N.Ukraine 
27.Rudnitska O.Ukraine 
28.Rosada M.Ukraine 
29.Rudenko I.Ukraine 
30.Stankevich V.Ukraine 
31.Surmasheva O.Ukraine 
32.Taran V.Ukraine 
33.Tomashevska L.Ukraine 
34.Tsygulova O.Ukraine 
35.Shumilo M.Ukraine 
36.Yanko N.Ukraine 
37.Brylova I.Ukraine 
38.Khudaikulova O.Ukraine 
39.Berzina S.Ukraine 
40.Ruda L.Ukraine 
41.Vasetska O.Ukraine 
42.Grynzovskiy A.Ukraine 
43.Ponjatovskiy V.Ukraine 
44.Chobotar O.Ukraine 
45.Bogdan V.Ukraine 
46.Kravchun O.Ukraine 
47.Tkach O.Ukraine 
48.Chumak A.Ukraine 
49.Ischenko A.Ukraine 

Annex 2

Programme on training on biocides legislation
22-24 May, Kyiv, Ukraine

22 MAY 2018

9:30 – 10:00Registration and coffee
10:00 – 10:30Opening and introduction of the training programme
10:30 – 11:30The main elements of the EU biocides regulatory system Maristella Rubbiani
11:30 – 12:00Responsibilities of main stakeholders (government, experts, industry etc.) and capacities needed for biocides management Ruslan Koval
12:00 – 12:30Discussion
12:30 – 13:30Lunch
13:30 – 14:30Biocidal active substances: The EU review programme for the approval of the active substance
Raffaella CRESTI
14:30 – 15:30Biocidal products dossier: Application for an authorisation of a biocidal product – ISS experience
15:30 – 16:00Coffee
16:00 – 16:30An introduction to efficacy evaluation 
16:30 – 18:00Practical task: to design the biocides regulation system: what elements should be included in a national legislation? who and what should do? which financial resources should be available and what other financial considerations can be considered? Sustainable financing of biocides management

23 MAY 2018

10:00 – 10:30 Registration and coffee

Governmental authorities groupSafety assessment groupsEfficacy assessment groups
10:30 – 11.30Biocidal products registration, evaluation and authorization of active substances and products: the national Ukraine system
Ruslan Koval
Hazard assessment:  Physic-chemical hazards  Toxicity assessment for the environment Risk characterization Nataliia DmytrukhaEfficacy Assessment for Product Types 1 to 5 
11.30-12.30BP Dossier Evaluation Procedures  Guido BELLOMOClassification and labelling of active substances and biocidal products.  Proper labelling, risk mitigation measures in the label 
Maristella Rubbiani
Efficacy Assessment for Product Type 18 Insecticide, Acaricides & other Biocidal Products against Arthropods and Product Type 19 Repellents & Attractants 
Valentina Taran

12:30 – 13:30 Lunch

13.30 – 14.00Training system for professional users and sustainable use 
Maristella Rubbiani
Phys- chem properties, technical equivalence, analysis methods, residues
Ruslan Meleshko
Practical exercise: Evaluation of the efficacy in a biocide dossier for a disinfectant within MG1 (case study) Lucilla BALDASSARRI
14:00 – 15:00Practical exercise:  Making a decision on marketing of a product using biocidal dossier  CASE study for a PT18 
Practical exercise: classification and labelling of biocidal product (case study) Maristella RUBBIANIpastedGraphic.png

15:00 – 15:30 Coffee

15:30 – 16:30The legislation on enforcement – inspection. How to set a suitable enforcement system: report from different EU countries  Maristella RubbianiHuman health assessment 1. Exposure assessment: · What information is available and where to find it · Introduction on exposure assessment of biocidal products · Data requirements · Guidance documents · Exposure modelling  Risk assessment and mitigation measures Raffaella CRESTIEfficacy Assessment for Product Type 14 Rodenticides (case study) Mykhaylo Rosada
16:30 – 17:30Risk management options, Risks communication, Maristella Rubbiani1a. Case studies  Examples of active substance and biocidal product evaluations  Raffaella CRESTIEfficacy Assessment of Preservatives for Product Type 8 Wood Preservatives – (case study)  Lucilla BALDASSARRI

24 MAY 2018

09:00 – 09:30Registration and coffee
09:30 – 10:30Welcome notes WHO European Centre for Environment and Health,  WHO CO in Ukraine,  MoH, Public Health Center, EEHYC Group photo
10:30 – 11:30Human health case studies ; Examples of active substance and biocidal product evaluations
Raffaella CRESTI
11:30 – 12:20Ecotox and Environmental fate and behaviour evaluation (case study)
Vitaliy Babiy
12:20 – 13:20Lunch
13:20 – 13:50IT Tools for biocidal products: IUCLID, SPC Editor, R4BP3  Guido BELLOMO
13:50 – 14:50Poison control centres and their role in the implementation of biocides regulation
Irina Zastenskaya
14:50 – 15:00The training wrap-up
15:00 – 15:20Coffee

Satellite event

15:20 – 15:40SDGs implementation, Environment and Health in European region, Ukrainian context, stakeholders coordination
Plenary discussion chaired by Elizabet Paunovic
15:40 – 16:00The tool “Managing the health risks of the deliberate use of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) agents”  Dimitry Bazyka
16:00 – 16:20EEHYC involvement in WHO programs: future plans concerning chemical management
António Marques Pinto
16:20 – 16:40Presentation a professional smoking cessation in Ukraine: “Tobacco control as an EH challenge”
16:40 – 17:00Legal aspects of preparation of strategic planning documents in Ukraine 
Oleksii Shumilo
17:00 – 17:20Policy and legal framework for the development of the action plan for implementation of sound biocides (pesticides and disinfectants) management in Ukraine
Olga Tsygulyova
17:20 – 17:30Wrap up and closure


Maristella RUBBIANI

Main elements of the EU Biocide Regulatory system (presentation).

Training system for professional users and sustainable use (presentation).

Element of risk communication: the database for chemical products in italy (presentation).

The National Centre for Chemicals and the chemical risk.

Biocide enforcement in EU.

INTRODUCTION TO CLP Classification and labelling of mixtures.

Classification and labelling of biocide active substance and products (PT 18,14,19) (presentation).

Raffaella CRESTI

Human Health assessment (presentation).

Human health case studies Examples of active substance and biocidal product evaluations (presentation).

Biocidal active substances: The EU review programme for the approval of the active substances (presentation).







Evaluation of the efficacy in a biocide dossier for a disinfectant within MG1 (presentation).

Efficacy Assessment for PT1 to PT5 Biocidal Products (presentation).

Case study for a BP – PT8 (presentation).


Biocides – an assessment of toxicity and danger (presentation in Ukrainian).

Valentina TARAN

The assessment of the efficiency for product type 18 “Insecticides, acaricides,” and other biocidal products against arthropods and type of product 19 “Repellent and Attractant” (presentation in Ukrainian).


Methods of analysis of biocides, their physico-chemical properties, detection of trace quantities (presentation in Ukrainian).

Mykhaylo ROSADA

Efficacy Assessment for Product Type 14 Rodenticides (case study) (presentation).


Legal Aspects of Preparation of Strategic Planning Documentation in Ukraine (on Biocides Management) (presentation in Ukrainian).


Policy and legal framework for the development of the action plan for implementation of sound biocides (pesticides and disinfectants) management in Ukraine (presentation).

Vitaliy BABIY

Ecotox and Environmental fate and behaviour evaluation (case study) (presentation).