Development of draft of National action plan for implementation of sound biocides management:
One-day WS to discuss National action plan 16 June 2018 Kiev, Ukraine

The Project

“Strengthening Capacities for Sound Management of Biocides (Pesticides and Disinfectants) to Reduce Population Exposure in Ukraine”
Funded by UNEP through SAICM QSP programme 

The project has been implemented by the WHO Regional Office for Europe, WHO Country Office in Ukraine and WHO European Centre for Environment and Health (WHO ECEH) in cooperation with the State Institution “OM Marzeiev Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” (SI “IPH NAMSU”). 

Development of draft of National action plan for implementation of sound biocides management: One-day WS to discuss National action plan 16 June 2018 Kiev, UkraineAccording to the preliminary information on biocides, absence of the National action plan on biocides management in Ukraine is one of the main shortcomings in the chemicals management. 

Based on preliminary assessment the main gaps are:

 Imperfection of legislative basis, including presence of disagreements in legislative and other normatively-legal acts which are regulate the handling of chemicals, in particular, biocides, 

 Lack of coordination of activities performed by all stakeholders at national and local levels; 

 Lack of systemic approach to decision-making on provision of chemical safety and sound chemicals management in main industries based on joined conceptually-agreed and scientifically-grounded state policy in the area at national, regional and industrial level; 

 Lack of coordinated national policy in regulation of chemicals (industrial and agricultural) and chemical products developed based on best practices analysis and its implication at national level; 

 Insufficiency of capacities for collection of information including of information on negative effects on human health and environment; 

 Classification and labelling according to GHS as well as classification of biocides and biocide products according to international approaches; 

 Lack of capacities and commitments for implementation of relevant international agreements in chemical safety area. 

To address this issue, WHO Regional Office for Europe, in cooperation with the State Institution ôO.M. Marseiev Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraineö, has implemented the project ôStrengthening Capacities for Sound Management of Biocides (Pesticides and Disinfectants) to Reduce Population Exposure in Ukraineö, financially supported by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).


The workshop was organised as a part of the project to strengthen the national capacity of Ukraine and ensure safe use and production of the selected groups of biocides, in particular pesticides, and disinfectants through their life-cycle, for the purpose of open multilateral discussion of the Draft of the National Action Plan.

The national experts, governmental and non-governmental stakeholders discussed the following topics: 

· The main disadvantages of biocides regulation in Ukraine
· Basic approaches to improving the biocide control system in Ukraine
· Perfection of legislation is the first and necessary step in improving biocidal regulation
· System of classification and marking of biocides in Ukraine

The meeting resulted – draft of the National Action Plan.

List of the national governmental experts, representatives from non-governmental organizations, that participated in the workshop is attached as Annex 1.


When opening the workshop, Prof Andriy Serdjuk, Director of the Institute for Public Health, Ukraine, noted that there are two main priorities in the country – environmental health in general and chemicals safety in particular. 

Prof. N. Polka (National coordinator of the project) represented the main issues of the project.

The WS objectives: 

Discussion of the National Action Plan for the Establishment of a Biocide Regulation System in Ukraine with relevant stakeholders.


1. Discuss of the main approaches to regulation biocides/hazardous 

2. Present the draft of the National Action plan. situational analysis conducted by the national expert team using Identify gaps (according National overview).

The scope and purpose of the workshop were introduced by Dr Irina Zastenskaya.

The programme was adopted by the meeting participants without amendments (Annex 2). 

In discussion participated: Polka, Serdjuk, Tsygulova, Kovalenko, Dmitrucha, Kolesnik, Surmasheva.

The following conclusions were made based on the discussion outcomes: 

The draft of the National action plan for implementation of sound biocides management was made within the project “Strengthening Capacities for Sound Management of Biocides (Pesticides and Disinfectants) to Reduce the Impact on the Population of Ukraine” 

1. The draft of the National action plan for implementation of sound biocides management include main approaches to eliminating unresolved issues at the legislative level, at the level of logistical support and training of experts.

2. The experts appreciated the work in preparation of the Draft National Action plan.

3. There are national capacities in Ukraine that allow further progress in the area of biocides regulation:
3.1. The central executive authorities responsible for biocide management in Ukraine are well-structured and have a skilled staff;
3.2. There is a developed system of laboratory centres accredited in the field of hazard identification in environmental objects, agricultural products, food products, household items

· 1. Required resources for biocide management
· 1.1. The creation of legislative and regulatory documents, adapted to the EU, regulations on the biocides treatment. 
· 1.2. Development of the web-page with information on hazards of biocides with classification and labelling according to GHS
· 1.3. It is necessary to involve actively in the biocides management the existing staff capacity of academic research institutions. 
· 1.4. There remains an urgent issue of the support at the state level of special professional training of specialists at different levels of the government – decision-makers, laboratory experts and state institutions, etc. This training should include the issues of occupational health, environmental protection, preventing the illegal circulation of biocides, recycling hazardous waste and preventing possible harmful effects on public health.

This training should include the issues of occupational health, environmental protection, preventing the illegal circulation of biocides, recycling hazardous waste and preventing possible harmful effects on public health.

Recommendations and the next steps:

– Finalize the Draft of the National Action Plan for implementation of sound biocides management.

The workshop was closed at 17.00 on 16 June 2018.

Annex 1
Development of draft of National action plan for implementation of sound biocides management: One-day WS to discuss National action plan 

16 June 2018

Kiev, Ukraine

State Institution “O.M. Marseiev Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” 

List of participants

Representatives of organisations

Andriy Serdjuk 
Director, Academician of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine,
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor 
State Institution “OM Marzeiev Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” 
50, Popudrenko str. 
02660 Kyiv
Tel: Email:+38 050 3107561 usch@usch.kiev.uapastedGraphic.png
Nadiia Polka
The National Coordinator in Ukraine on Environment and Health 
Deputy Director, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
State Institution “OM Marzeiev Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” 
50, Popudrenko str. 
02660 Kyiv
Tel: Email:+38 098 1779132 koblyanskaya_alla@ukr.netpastedGraphic.png
Valerii Stankevich
Head of the Laboratory of soil and waste 
Doctor of Medical Sciences
State Institution “O.M. Marzeiev Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” 
50, Popudrenko str. 
02660 Kyiv
Tel: Email:+38 050 4450061
Vitalii Babii
Head of the Laboratory of Carcinogenic Factors and Nanomaterials,
Doctor of Medical Sciences 
State Institution “OM Marzeiev Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”
50, Popudrenko str. 
02660 Kyiv
Tel: Email:+38 067-183-80-62 gignano@ukr.netpastedGraphic.png
Alla Koblyanska
Head of the Department of the support of state programs and international relations 
Candidate of Medical Sciences 
State Institution “OM Marzeiev Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” 
50, Popudrenko str. 
02660 Kyiv
Tel: Email:+38 098 4604416 koblyanskaya_alla@ukr.netpastedGraphic.png
Olga Rudnitska
Secretary of the Ukrainian Association of Public Health 
50, Popudrenko str. 
02660 Kyiv
Tel: Email:+38 099 3849452
Rehina Savina
Head of the Research-and-Coordination Department 
Doctor of Sciences (Medicine) 
State Institution “OM Marzeiev Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” 
50, Popudrenko str. 
02660 Kyiv
Tel: Email:+38 097 5922101 regina_igme@ukr.netpastedGraphic.png
Alla Horval
Scientific Secretary 
Candidate of Medical Sciences 
State Institution “OM Marzeiev Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” 
50, Popudrenko str. 
02660 Kyiv
Tel: Email:+38 098 4074616 alla_gorval@ukr.netpastedGraphic.png
Vadim Brjazkalo
Senior Researcher, the Laboratory of Production Quality Control 
State Institution “OM Marzeiev Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” 
50, Popudrenko str. 
02660 Kyiv
Tel: Email:+38 050 3564849 bravada@ukr.netpastedGraphic.png
State Institution “Institute of Occupational Medicine of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”pastedGraphic.png
Cherniuk Volodymyr
Director, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor 
State Institution “Institute of Occupational Medicine of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”
75, Saksaganskogo str.
01033 Kyiv
Tel: Email:+38 044 5013351 yik_nanu@kiev.uapastedGraphic.png
Kyiv City AdministrationpastedGraphic.png
Mikhailo Rosada
Director of the Communal Enterprise “Promdesinfection” 
Kyiv City Administration 
25, Dehtjarivska str. 
05010 Kyiv
Tel: Email:+38 095 2740908
National Medical University named O.O.BogomoletspastedGraphic.png
Sergiy Omelchuk
Head of Department of Hygiene and Ecology No. 3, Professor 
National Medical University named O.O.Bogomolets 
13, Shevchenko bul. 
01010 Kyiv
Tel: Email:+38 067 9009013
Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources State Enterprise “Center for Environmental Initiatives”pastedGraphic.png
Kartavtsev Oleg
Nikolaevich Director of SE “Center for Environmental Initiatives” 
Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources 
Str. Metropolitan Vasily Lipkovsky, 35, Kiev, 03035
Tel: Email:+38 067 4083306 okartavtsev@gmail.compastedGraphic.png
National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of UkrainepastedGraphic.png
Prokopenko Nataliya
Professor of the Department of Technology in Poultry, Pig and Sheep Production 
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences 
National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine 
15, Geroiv Oborony str. 
03041 Kyiv
Tel: Email:+38 067 9685697

Nongovernmental organizations

NGO “Fumigation Association”

Pidberezniak Tamara Vasylivna
President of the NGO “Fumigation Association” 
Kyiv – 01024, street. Pylyp Orlyk, 24/1
+38 050 8108437
Vasyukhno Svetlana NGO “Fumigation Association” 
Kyiv – 01024, street. Pylyp Orlyk, 24/1
+38 095 3003621

State Institution “O.M. Marseiev Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”

Development of draft of National action plan for implementation of sound biocides management: One-day WS to discuss National action plan 

16 June 2018

Kiev, Ukraine

State Institution “O.M. Marseiev Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” 

In the framework of the SAICM QSP project “Strengthening capacities for sound management of biocides (pesticides and disinfectants) to reduce population exposure in Ukraine”

16 June 2018

9:30 – 10:00 Registration
10:00 – 10:20Opening of the meetingAcademician Andriy Serdjuk, Director of State Institution “Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” 
10:20 – 10:30Presentation of the workshop participants
10:30 – 11:00Introduction of the project “Strengthening capacities for sound management of biocides (pesticides and disinfectants) to reduce population exposure in Ukraine”Professor N. Polka, the Project National Coordinator, Deputy Director of Scientific Work of State Institution “Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” 
11:00- 13:00 Main problems in biocides regulation in UkraineOlena Surmasheva, Head of the Laboratory of Sanitary Microbiology and Disinfectology of the State Institution “Institute of Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 15:00Presentation of the draft of National action plan for implementation of sound biocides managementProfessor N. Polka, the Project National Coordinator, Deputy Director of Scientific Work of State Institution “Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” 
15:00 – 16:00Discussion
16:00 Closure of the day