Report of the National Multi-Stakeholder Workshop “Biocide Management in Ukraine: Approaches to Safe Governance and Harmonisation with the EU”, Kyiv, November 12, 2018

The Project

“Strengthening Capacities for Sound Management of Biocides (Pesticides and Disinfectants) to Reduce Population Exposure in Ukraine”
Funded by UNEP through SAICM QSP programme 

The project has been implemented by the WHO Regional Office for Europe, WHO Country Office in Ukraine and WHO European Centre for Environment and Health (WHO ECEH) in cooperation with the State Institution “OM Marzeiev Institute for Public Health” of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” (SI “IPH NAMSU”). 

National multi-stakeholder workshop 
“Biocide Management in Ukraine: Approaches to Safe Governance and Harmonization with the EU”, Kyiv, November 12, 2018

    The goal – based on the assessment of the baseline situation with the regulation of biocides in Ukraine in comparison with the EU and other good practice, to submit proposals for the sound management of biocides in Ukraine

    The workshop was organised as a part of the project to strengthen the national capacity of Ukraine and ensure safe use and production of the selected groups of biocides, in particular pesticides, and disinfectants through their life-cycle, for the purpose of open multilateral discussion of the Draft of the National Action Plan.

    The national experts, governmental and non-governmental stakeholders discussed the following topics: 

    – Global agenda for chemicals management and its reflection to the building chemical safety system in Ukraine
    – Harmonization of national legislation on biocidal regulation with EU legislation.
    – Review of current situation in biocides management including qualitative assessment their potential risks for human health and environment; identification of national priorities for sound management of biocides 
    – Sanitary and epidemiological well-being Act: main objectives, progress and expected results
    – Comprehensive Approach to the Adaptation of the EU Biocides Regulation: Executive and Delegated EC Acts, Governance and Infrastructure 
    – Approaches to the assessment of the risk of biocidal products according to classification and labeling according to GHS
    – European approaches to determining the activity of disinfectants in Ukraine

    List of the national governmental experts, representatives from non-governmental organizations, that participated in the workshop is attached as Annex 1.


    1. To present the situational analysis conducted by the national experts team

    2. To identify gaps to be addressed in at least four areas: legislation; institutional arrangements; capacities; technical issues.

    3. To discuss the way for Improvement of information collection and sharing including information on hazards for environment and human health, classification and labeling (on-line information source)

    4. To discuss of the draft version of the National action plan for implementation of sound biocides management: presentation 

    5. To discuss of the main ways for harmonization of national legislation on regulation of biocides with international agreements.

    Recommendations for the event

    According to programms were considered as a basis for approval the developed as result of the projectof the national action plan and the national legislation taking into account the European Union approaches and the national experience 

    Discussed the approve model for regulation of biocides for Strengthening of potential of basic departments, responsible for (pesticides and disinfectants) offered as result of the project taking into account the European Union approaches and the national experience 

    Discussed acceptance at state level of suggestion on registration, informative exchange, that will demand classification and marking providing of stability and further strengthening of potential and experience, created and accumulated as a result of realization project.

    Recommendations for the project

    Approvve of the developed the national plan and national legislation as result of the project taking into account the European Union approaches and the national experience and offer for approval.

    To introduce the EU system of biocides regulation from the view of different stakeholders – government/authorities and industry

    Increase of efficiency of safety of environment, health of population and workers of industry from influence of biocides (pesticides and disinfectants).

    Introduction of effective regulator mechanisms and technologies of guard of environment and health of population.

    Creation of potential for the estimation of risk and rational adjusting of biocides (pesticides and disinfectants).

    Strengthening of the national coordinating mechanism.

    Strengthening of potential of basic departments, responsible for regulation of biocides (pesticides and disinfectants), will using as a model of the approach to improvement general “chemical” legislation, estimations to dangers and risk of biocides (pesticides and disinfectants).

    Acceptance at state level of suggestion on registration, informative exchange, that will demand classification and marking providing of stability and further strengthening of potential and experience, created and accumulated as a result of realization project.

    Conclusions and next steps

    The meeting participants concluded that:

    • The project “Strengthening Capacities for Sound Management of Biocides (Pesticides and Disinfectants) to Reduce Population Exposure in Ukraine” was implemented successfully and all planned tasks were performed and the project outcomes achieved;
    • The project implementation made a big positive impact in both countries; it is the first time when the issue of biocides and their health effects was explicitly addressed;
    • New knowledge has been collected through the project implementation in Ukraine; the most important is an understanding that worrisome trends of health disorders during last years cannot be explained by known reasons and exposure to biocides can play an important role in negative changes in population health in Ukraine; biocides are widely used and likelihood of exposure is obvious and might be high;
    • Actions should be taken to prevent negative health impact at national and sub-regional level;
    • the development of proposals for legislation is an important and necessary step for the improvement of the state policy in the field of sound management of chemicals;
    • development and presentation of the Web-Information on the collection of data on biocides и Classification and labeling of biocides (on-line information resource) is an important initiative for strengthening coordination and cooperation between institution having mandate in the areas of hazardous chemicals.
    • In Ukraine, for the first time, work was carried out with the provision of information on the safety of chemicals registered in the country. The experience gained confirms the need to continue this work by expanding the range of the studied substances.
    • Circulation of educational materials for populations – the first attempt of prevention of biocides impact at individual level; it should become a regular practise and multiplied by public organizations working in the area of environmental health, hazardous chemicals and biocides;

    The meeting participants noted signification support from WHO Regional Office of Europe and good organizations of activities and the project management at national and international level.

      The workshop was closed at 18.00 on 12 November 2018. 

      Annex 1

      “Biocide Management in Ukraine: Approaches to Safe Governance and Harmonization with the EU”, Kyiv, November 12, 2018

        State Institution “O.M. Marseiev Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” 

        List of participants
        Representatives of organizations
        State Institution “OM Marzeiev Institute for Public Health
        of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”
        50, Popudrenko str.
        02660 Kyiv
        Andriy Serdjuk
        Academician of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
        Tel: +38 050 3107561
        Nadiia Polka
        The National Coordinator in Ukraine on Environment and Health
        Deputy Director,
        Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
        Tel: +38 098 1779132
        Olena Turos
        Deputy Director,
        Head of the Laboratory of Air Quality
        Doctor of Sciences (Medicine), Professor
        Alla Koblyanska
        Head of the Department of the Support of State Programs and International Relations,
        Candidate of Sciences (Medicine)
        Tel: +38 098 4604416
        Halyna Zinchenko
        Head of the Department of Record-Keeping and Economic Analysis
        Rehina Savina
        Head of the Research-and-Coordination Department,
        Doctor of Sciences (Medicine)
        Tel: +38 097 5922101
        Olga Rudnytska
        Senior Researcher at the Research-and-Coordination Department,
        Secretary of the Ukrainian Association of Public Health,
        Candidate of Medical Sciences
        Tel: +38 099 3849452
        Alla Horval
        Scientific Secretary,
        Candidate of Medical Sciences
        Tel: +38 098 4074616
        Olena Surmasheva
        Head of the Laboratory of Sanitary Microbiology and Disinfectology,
        Doctor of Sciences (Medicine)
        Alina Platonova
        Head of the Laboratory of the Safety of Children’s Population Vital Function
        Doctor of Sciences (Medicine)
        Oleksandr Holichenkov
        Head of the Laboratory of Chemical Materials Safety
        Candidate of Sciences (Medicine)
        Sviatoslav Protas 
        Senior Researcher at Laboratory of the Security Strategies in Public Health
        Serhii Mohylnyi 
        Senior Researcher at the Laboratory of Settlements Planning
        Vadym Briazkalo
        Senior Researcher at the Laboratory of Production Quality Control
        Valentyna Taran 
        Senior Researcher at Laboratory of Sanitary Microbiology
        Candidate of Sciences (Medicine)
        Nina Brezitska 
        Senior researcher at the Air Quality Laboratory
        Candidate of Sciences (Medicine)
        Oksana Dobrianska 
        Senior Researcher at Laboratory of Epidemiological Research and Medical Informatics
        Candidate of Sciences (Medicine)
        Olha Ostash
        Senior Researcher at Laboratory of Hygiene of Carcinogenic Factors and Nanomaterials
        Candidate of Sciences (Biology)
        Representative from other Ukrainian organizations
        Maxim Martyniuk
        First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine

        Mykola Holubiatnykov
        Head of the State Institution Laboratory Center, Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine
        Volodymyr Lapa
        Head of the State Service for Food Safety and Consumer Protection of Ukraine

        Svitlana Omelchuk
        Head of the Department of State Sanitary and Epidemiological Expertise,
        State Service for Food Safety and Consumer Protection of Ukraine
        Koval Ruslan
        Director of the State Committee on Hygienic Regulation
        Ministry of Health of Ukraine

        Mykola Prodanchuk
        Head of the “L.I. Medved’s Research Center of Preventive Toxicology, Food and Chemical Safety”
        Volodymyr Danylenko
        Head of the SI “Ukrainian Center for Disease Control and Monitoring of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine”

        Serhii Kolesnyk
        Head of Sector of international regulatory science for food and chemical safety
        “L.I. Medved’s Research Center of Preventive Toxicology, Food and Chemical Safety”
        Rakhimova Tetiana
        SI “Ukrainian center for disease control and monitoring of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine”

        Olha Khudaikulova 
        “L.I. Medved’s Research Center of Preventive Toxicology, Food and Chemical Safety”
        Sergii Omelchuk
        Head of Department of Hygiene and Ecology, O.Bogomolets National Medical University, Professor
        Tel: +38 067 9009013

        Anatolii Hrynzovskyi
        Head of Department of Emergency Medicine and Tactical Medicine, O.Bogomolets National Medical University, 
        Candidate of Sciences (Medicine)
        Larysa Radchenko 
        SI ” L.V. Gromashevsky’s Institute of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases»

        Myhailo Rosada
        KP «Promdezinfection», Kyiv City State Administration, 
        Doctor of Sciences (Medicine)
        Nongovernmental organizations
        All-Ukraine NGO “Zhyva Planeta”
        04050, Kyiv, Melnykova str., 81
        Berzina Svetlana
        President of All-Ukraine NGO “Zhyva Planeta”.
        NGO “Fumigation Association”
        01024, Kyiv, street. Pylyp Orlyk, 24/1
        Tamara Pidberezniak
        President of the NGO “Fumigation Association”
        Tel: +38 050 8108437
        Svitlana Vasiukhno 
        NGO “Fumigation Association”
        Tel: +38 095 3003621
        WHO representatives
        WHO Regional Office for Europe
        Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1
        D-53113 Bonn
        Elizabet Paunovic
        Head of WHO European Centre for Environment and Health
        Ms Irina Zastenskaya
        Technical Officer, Chemical Safety
        WHO European Centre for Environment and Health
        WHO Regional Office to Ukraine
        Dr Marthe Everhard
        Head of the WHO Country Office to Ukraine
        30, Borychiv Tik str.
        Dr Nataliya Korol
        National Professional Officer on NCD
        WHO Country Office to Ukraine
        30, Borychiv Tik str.
        04070, Kyiv
        Paul Jaskierniak 
        WHO Health Information Management Officer

        State Institution “O.M. Marseiev Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” 

        “Biocide Management in Ukraine: Approaches to Safe Governance and Harmonization with the EU”, Kyiv, November 12, 2018
        «Управління біоцидами в Україні: підходи до безпечного управління та гармонізація з ЄС», Київ, 12 листопада 2018 року

        В рамках SAICM QSP проекту «Зміцнення потенціалу для раціонального управління біоцидами (пестицидами та дезінфікуючими засобами) для зниження впливу на населення в Україні» 

        Місце проведення: м. Київ, метро Дарниця, вул. Малишка, 1, готель «Братислава», зал «Червоний», 2-й поверх


        November 12, 2018
        12 листопада 2018

        9:30 – 10:00 Registration
        10:00 – 10:20Opening of the meeting 
        Сердюк Андрій
        Academician Andriy Serdjuk, Director of State Institution “Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” 
        Dr Marthe Everhard, WHO Representative and Head of Country Office to Ukraine
        Welcome notes:
        WHO European Centre for Environment and Health, 
        WHO CO in Ukraine, 
        Representatives from Verkhovna Rada
        Representatives from Kiev City administration
        Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources
        Public Health Center MoH
        National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine
        Non-governmental organizations 
        10:20- 10:40 Global agenda for chemicals management and its reflection to the building chemical safety system in Ukraine
        Глобальна програма управління хімікатами та її відображення в системі будівництва хімічної безпеки в Україні
        Dr Irina Zastenskaya, WHO Regional Office for Europe 
        10:40 – 11:00Introduction of the project “Strengthening capacities for sound management of biocides to reduce population exposure in Ukraine”
        Впровадження проекту «Зміцнення потенціалу для раціонального управління біоцидами для зменшення впливу на населення в Україні»: основні результати
        Полька Надія (Україна)
        Professor Nadezhda Polka, the Project National Coordinator, Deputy Director of Scientific Work of State Institution “Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” 
        11:00 – 11:30Harmonization of national legislation on biocidal regulation with EU legislation.
        Гармонізація національного законодавства з регулювання біоцидів з законодавством ЄС.
        Проданчук Микола (Україна)
        11:30 – 12:00Coffee break
        12:00 – 12:40Review of current situation in biocides management including qualitative assessment their potential risks for human health and environment; identification of national priorities for sound management of biocides 
        Огляд поточної ситуації в галузі управління біоцидами, включаючи якісну оцінку їх потенційних ризиків для здоров’я людини та навколишнього середовища; визначення національних пріоритетів для раціонального використання біоцидів
        Омельчук Сергій  (Україна)
        12:40 – 13:00Sanitary and epidemiological well-being Act: main objectives, progress and expected results
        Закон про санітарно-епідемічне благополуччя: основні задачі, прогрес та очікувані результати
        Рудницька Ольга (Україна)
        Discussion of the Law
        Обговорення Закону про санітарно-епідемічне благополуччя
        13:00 – 14:00Lunch
        14:00 – 14:30 Comprehensive Approach to the Adaptation of the EU Biocides Regulation: Executive and Delegated EC Acts, Governance and Infrastructure 
        Комплексний підхід до адаптації Регламенту ЄС по біоцидам: виконавчі та делеговані акти ЄК, керівництва та інфраструктура 
        Колесник Сергій (Україна)
        14:30 – 15:00 The way for Improvement of information collection and sharing including information on hazards for environment and human health, classification and labeling 
        Шляхи вдосконалення збору та обміну інформацією, включаючи інформацію про небезпеку для навколишнього середовища та здоров’я людини, класифікацію та маркування 
        Таран Валентина (Україна) / Короленко Тамара (Україна)
        15:00 – 15:30 Approaches to the assessment of the risk of biocidal products according to classification and labeling according to GHS
        Підходи до оцінки небезпеки біоцидів згідно класифікації та маркування відповідно до СГС 
        Берзина Світлана (Україна)
        15:30 – 16:00 Coffee break
        16:00 – 16:20 Development of a web page providing information on the hazard of biocides with classification and labeling in accordance with GHS
        Розробка веб-сторінки, що надає інформацію про небезпеку біоцидів з класифікацією та маркуванням відповідно до СГС 
        Брязкало Вадим (Україна)
        16:20- 16:50European approaches to determining the activity of disinfectants in Ukraine
        Європейські підходи до визначення активності дезінфікуючих засобів в Україні
        Сурмашева Олена (Україна)
        16:50 – 17:10Discussion of the Tool «Role of Geographical Information System (GIS) mapping in the WHO’s key decision making and planning processes»
        Paul Jaskierniak, Health Cluster Information Manager WHO CO UKR
        Презентація інструменту «Роль картографування за допомогою Географічної інформаційної системи у процесах прийняття ВООЗ ключових рішень та планування»
        Пол Яскерняк, Менеджер інформаційної групи з охорони здоров’я Бюро ВООЗ в Україні
        17:10 – 17:30Discussion of perspectives and ways of implementation of documents generated during the implementation of project objectives
        Обговорення перспектив і шляхів впровадження документів, напрацьованих при виконанні завдань проекту
        Застенська Ірина, Полька Надія
        17:30 Закриття форуму