17.05.2024. Information event “Integration of Ukraine into the Global Research Space”

The Information Event, Integration of Ukraine into the Global Research Space,” was held on May 17, 2024.

Denys NIKOLAICHUK, Chief Specialist of the Office Horizon Europe in Ukraine Department of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine, and Ihor TARANOV, Head of the Office Horizon Europe in Ukraine Department of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine, moderated the event.

Welcoming remarks were made by 

  • Denys KURBATOV, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine;
  • Silvia BOJINOVA, Senior Policy Officer and ENP Team leader at the European Commission DG R&I;
  • Roman HRYSHCHUK, Member of the Parliament of Ukraine, Member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Education, Science and Innovation;
  • Anatoly ZAGORODNY, President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine;
  • Stanislav VILCHYNSKII, Head of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine;
  • Olha KREVSKA, Director of the Directorate for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration at the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine.

The program was followed by a panel discussion on “Realities and Prospects for the Development of Science in Ukraine,” which was attended by the participants:

  • Olha BUDNYK, Advisor-Commissioner of the President on issues of the President of Ukraine’s Fund for the Support of Education, Science, and Sports.
  • Yulia Bezvershenko, co-founder of UA Science Reload and Science at Risk initiatives, representative of the Program Committee “Strategic configuration: strategic review of the implementation of the entire program, coherence of individual work programs of different parts of the program, including the mission” of the Horizon Europe Program.
  • Alexandra ANTONIOUK, Chair of the Scientific Committee, Leading Researcher at the Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
  • Olha KRONDA, Head of the Department of Innovation Development of the Ukrainian National Office of Intellectual Property and Innovation, representative of the Program Committee “European Innovation Council and European Innovation Ecosystems” of the Horizon Europe Program.
  • Olga POLOTSKA, Executive Director of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine.
  • Yevheniia POLISHCHUK, co-founder of the Ukrainian Scientific Diaspora initiative, professor of the Department of Corporate Finance and Controlling at the Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman.

The participants discussed issues related to science funding and evaluation of scientific activities in Ukraine, advocacy of the interests of Ukrainian scientists and researchers abroad, and their recognition in the world scientific space: what changes have taken place over the two years of war, how grant support for Ukrainian scientists has changed, the level of training of Ukrainian scientists and the available opportunities to participate in competitions for European and world grants, problematic aspects of protecting the intellectual property rights of Ukrainian scientists, researchers and innovators, Ukrainian scientific.

There were two sessions during the event.

Session 1, “Ukraine’s Integration into the European and Global Research Spaces,” featured the following presentations:

  • Silvia BOJINOVA, Senior Policy Officer and ENP Team leader at the European Commission DG R&I, “Opportunities for researchers and innovators under Horizon Europe”;
  • Franklin CARERO-MARTINEZ, Senior Director of the Science and Technology for Sustainability (STS) Program at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine (NASEM), “Integration of Ukraine into Global Research: IMPRESS-U Research Program”;
  • Jörg SCHNEIDER, Head of Division International Affairs bei Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) – German Research Foundation, “On establishing cooperation between the DFG and the NRFU. Organization of a new international initiative”;
  • Marie SUNDLI TVEIT, President of The Science Europe General Assembly, Chief Executive at the Research Council of Norway (RCN), “NRFU’s membership in Science Europe and support for Ukraine”;
  • Ronald de BRUIN, Director of the COST Association, “Integration of Ukraine into the Global Research Area”;
  • Hans de JONGE, Director of Open Science NL, The Dutch Research Council (NWO, “Ukraine on the way to open science: approach and experiences of NWO.”

Session 2, “Synergy of European Programs,” where the following presentations were made:

  • Oksana BEREZHNA, Director General of the Directorate of Innovation and Science-Real Sector Relations of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, National Coordinator of the European COST Association in Ukraine, representative of the European Innovation Council and European Innovation Ecosystems Program Committee of the Horizon Europe Program, “Opportunities for Ukrainian Researchers and Innovators within the COST Association Initiatives”;
  • Hanna SHCHETYNINA, Chief Project Management and International Cooperation Officer at the Public Health Center, EU4Health National Coordinator, “EU4Health in Ukraine”;
  • Ihor MARKEVYCH, EIT Community Officer at EIT Community RIS Hub in Ukraine, Community RIS Hub in Ukraine, “EIT Community RIS Hub Ukraine”;
  • Maksym KOLYSNYK, Chief Specialist of the Office Horizon Europe in Ukraine Department of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine, “Grant Opportunities for Business.”

The EIT Community RIS Hub in Ukraine and the National Research Foundation of Ukraine signed a Memorandum of Cooperation.

Olga POLOTSKA, Executive Director of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine, delivered the closing remarks.

Alla Koblyanska, Head of the Department of the Support of State Programs and International Relations, Candidate of Sciences (Medicine), attended the event on behalf of the State Institution “Marzieiev Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”.

The information obtained is necessary for further developing international cooperation of scientists of the State Institution “Marzieiev Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine.”