14.06.2024. An information event, “Support for the participation of Ukrainian organizations in the competitions of the Horizon Europe Program”

On June 14, 2024, an information event, “Support for the participation of Ukrainian organizations in the competitions of the Horizon Europe Program,” was held. The participants discussed the possibilities of the Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine for Ukrainian scientists and innovators, practical aspects of forming consortia for participation in the Horizon Europe Program, and the involvement of healthcare organizations in EU programs. Opportunities to participate in the Horizon Europe program were covered in detail, and information was provided on current calls for proposals in the areas of Health, Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society, Civil Security for Society, Digital, Industry and Space, Climate, Energy and Mobility, Food, Bioeconomy Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment.
The event was attended by Alla Koblyanska, Head of the Department of the Support of State Programs and International Relations, PhD in Medicine, on behalf of the State Institution “Marzieiev Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine.” The information received is necessary for the further development of international cooperation of the Institute’s scientists.